How to become IMA Member

Dear Colleague,

At the outset, we thank you for showing your interest in Membership of Indian Medical Association (IMA), the pan-India voluntary organization of modern medicine doctors

Benefits of IMA Membership:

Procedure for applying for IMA Membership:

Before applying for Membership of IMA, you are requested to kindly go through the following eligibility criteria for applying for the membership of IMA:-

Eligibility of Membership:

Any person registered with Medical Council of India on the basis of his/her medical qualification as defined in the Indian Medical Degrees Act 1916(Act VII of l916) and included in the schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act as amended from time to time, shall be eligible for membership.

However, all interns having temporary registration, will be eligible to become members of the Indian Medical Association:-

“All interns otherwise eligible and registered temporarily with the various State Medical Councils under Indian Medical Council Act, may be enrolled as intern members for the period of their temporary registration. These members will be considered for regular membership on their obtaining full registration after completion of internship. Intern members may have all the privileges or membership of a local branch except (I) right of voting (II) right of holding any elected office in the branch and representing the branch in any outside body in any capacity.”

If you fulfil the above eligibility criteria of IMA Membership, you are requested to:-

  1. Please click here to download the IMA Membership Application Form and print a copy of the same.
  2. Kindly fill the printed form as instructed therein and submit the same to the Honorary Secretary of the IMA local branch in your area.
  3. For contact details of the Honorary Secretary of the IMA local branch in your area, you may kindly get in touch with IMA Headquarters with your complete residential and workplace address at:

Membership Section
IMA Headquarters
IMA House, Indraprastha Marg,
New Delhi-110002.
Tel.: +91-11-23370009 / 23378680