About IMA

Indian Medical Association is the only representative, national voluntary organisation of Doctors of Modern Scientific System of Medicine, which looks after the interest of doctors as well as the well being of the community at large.

The founding fathers way back in 1928, while struggling for liberation of the Motherland from British rule simultaneously felt the need of a national organisation of the medical profession. Before that, some members of the profession- a selected few – were members of the British Medical Association, which had opened branches in India to cater to the local needs. These stalwarts, ultimately succeeded in formation of Indian Medical Association and reached an agreement with the British Medical Association that they will have no branch in India, and got mutually affiliated, which relationship continues till today.

Indian Medical Association in the year 1946 helped in organisation of the World body, namely, World Medical Association, and thus became its founder member.

As an organisation it has been, and continues to play an important role in its deliberations. It hosted the III World Conference on Medical Education under the joint auspices of W.M.A. and I.M.A. in New Delhi in 1966.

Today, I.M.A. is a well established organization with its Headquarters at Delhi and State / Terr. Branches in 29 States and Union Territories. It has over 2, 15,000 doctors as its members through more than 1650 active local branches spread all over the country.

Vision: IMA is a democratic forum working to maintain dignity, honour and social security of the medical fraternity in the country. It strives to provide quality healthcare to each and every citizen of India. IMA is and committed to preserve the autonomy of profession.


  • To promote and advance medical and allied sciences in all their different branches and to promote the improvement of public health and medical education in India
  • To maintain the honour and dignity and to uphold the interest of the medical profession and to promote co-operation amongst the members thereof;
  • To work for the abolition of compartmentalism in medical education, medical services and registration in the country and this to achieve equality among all members of the profession.

When it comes to updating the knowledge of its members and keeping them abreast of the latest technologies in health care we have academic wings for general practitioners, for specialists and for online courses we have wings called IMA College of General Practitioners IMA Academy of Medical Specialities and IMA AKN Sinha Institute respectively.

IMA Hospital Board of India provides services related to Hospitals & Nursing Homes especially on patient care and safety.


IMA regularly publishing Journals, News and other publications for general public in Hindi and English.

  • Journal of Indian Medical Association, a monthly scientific Journal indexed in the Index Medicus
  • Apka Swasthya, a monthly publication for the general public in Hindi, the national language of India
  • Your Health, a monthly publication for the general public in English

IMA is looking after the interests of its members through social schemes like:-

  • IMA National Social Security Scheme
  • IMA National Family Welfare Scheme
  • IMA National PP Scheme
  • IMA National Health Scheme
  • IMA National Pension Scheme

Keeping its vision an objectives in high spirit, IMA has been striving hard to get the following demands for its members and medical professionals:

  1. CPA: Health services were wilfully excluded from the ambit of CPA 2019 after detailed debate in the Parliament and intervention of the then Hon’ble Minister of Consumer Affairs Late Shri Ram Vilas Paswan in 2019. But the exclusion is not explicitly mentioned in the said act. The representation was submitted to Hon’ble Minister of Consumer Affairs, Shri Piyush Goyal after personally meeting on 2.2.2022. We humbly request you to take up this matter on priority with the concerned Ministry.

  2. Central law against violence in healthcare establishment and Doctors:  IMA has been pleadging to the Government to enact Central law against violence in healthcare establishment and Doctors since 2015. At the behestof the then Hon’ble Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Shri J.P. Nadda, a committee was constituted representing all concerned Ministries. The Health Ministry, in principle, had agreed on the proposed draft prepared by IMA. However, the law is yet to be taken up for formal implementation.

  3. Death due to medical negligence: The guidelines as proposed and adopted by the Ethics Board of National Medical Commission, as per directions issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India need to be incorporated in the Criminal Procedure Court (IPC). The Indian Medical Association which was part of the Task Committee constituted by the then President, MCI (Now NMC) has proposed new Section 304C in PIC new Section 427 A in IPC to enable the Govt to implement the recommendations of the Task Committee effectively.

    Further, we request you issue directives to all the State Governments to follow Supreme Courts’ Guidelines to conduct an enquiry before filing an FIR in cases of Medical Negligence, and also not to invoke IPC Section 302 in cases of deaths during treatment.

  4. Mixopathy: The Notification of CCIM dated 19.11.2020 has created confusion not only among the medical doctors practising modern medicine but also among the public. IMA has been requesting the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare as well as National Medical Commission to take necessary steps so that the curriculum of modern medicine shall not be converted into mixopaty.

  5. Draft Regulations of licence to practice in India issued by National Medical Commission (NMC): IMA has requested NMC that the Draft Regulations be put on hold and reviewed as per the suggestions already issued by IMA to NMC.

  6. Clinical Establishment Act: Clinical Establishment Act (CEA) aiming to register and regulate clinical establishments based on minimum standards in order to improve quality of public health care in the country. The objectives on paper appear to differ in practically. Regulations cannot be replaced by over-regulation with subjective & impractical implementations. Indian Medical Association hails the principles of quality, safety & ethicality. Professional principles do not need over-regulatory mechanisms in presence of irrational & varied system of governance.

The professionals & establishments who delivered healthcare for the country with their might & dedication are being suppressed by means of over regulatory, unwarranted mechanisms like CEA, capping of charges during Covid Pandemic was slapped on healthcare professionals. Legal aspects in CEA put doctor-patient relationship in jeopardy. Safety & accountability measures are necessary but marketing & business module being created out of CEA is highly objectionable. IMA shall fight this injustice tooth & nail.

In addition to the above issues, IMA has been requesting and has submitted its suggestion and observation on Bio-Medical Waste, Nursing Home registration and issues related to Hospitals and Nursing Homes to the concerned authorities.